NordPass just finished their research for the most common passwords and people’s password habits “…analyzing people’s password habits, and guess what? They’re still really bad.”.
Hopefully your passwords are not on the list. Yes, there are a lot of accounts and a lot of passwords that you use everyday. It can be overwhelming and the threat agents are betting that you will repeat the same password or make it easy for you to remember. Looking at this list, it is almost like people are not even trying to practice good Cyber Hygiene. Maybe even daring threat agents to grab their credentials.
Why is password strength so important? It takes seconds to crack a weak password.
Put a little effort into protecting your digital identity.
Use a pass phrase instead of a password you can find in the dictionary
Add some special characters.
Use a MFA (Multi Factor Authentication) solution or a passkey stored on different media.
Too many passwords to remember? Get a password manager that encrypts your data.
Use different credentials for different sites.
It is your cyber identity at stake so please make an effort.
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